lundi 7 janvier 2008

árabes freqüentam sites pornográficos de Israel

Cada vez mais árabes freqüentam sites pornográficos de Israel, onde podem encontrar, inclusive, vídeos estrelados por supostos soldados e agentes femininas do Mossad (serviço secreto do país). A edição eletrônica do jornal "Yedioth Ahronoth" destacou este fenômeno, acrescentando que os endereços são visitados com assiduidade por internautas da Arábia Saudita, Tunísia, Jordânia, Egito, Gaza e Cisjordânia. Algumas destas páginas chegam a oferecer serviços em árabe. De acordo com especialistas, os usuários destes sites, que normalmente acessam as páginas em cybercafés, são jovens que buscam "uma forma de dar asas à imaginação" e superar as barreiras culturais e religiosas impostas por uma sociedade muçulmana.


Arabs surf Israeli porn sites

Owners of Israeli sex sites report high percentage of entries from Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The hit: Clips starring female soldiers and Mossad women

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict apparently does not disturb and even encourages Arab internet users from consuming kosher Hebrew porn. Operators of a number of porn sites report that between two and 10% of their users arrive from Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority. Some websites even go as far as offering services in Arabic.

Nir Shahar, who manages the Israeli porn website, 'Ratuv' (wet), said that his company produced porn movies that have typical Israeli themes featuring female soldiers, female Mossad agents and policewomen.

It turns out there is a high demand for such content even in countries that are defined as "enemy sates." The most popular video clip among Arabs, "Code name: Deep investigation," is described as "a parody dealing with the Vanunu affair with agents investigating the affair using erotic means."

In the past several months we see an increase in traffic from countries that have no diplomatic ties with Israel including Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt," Shahar said.

Due to the demand, Shahar added an Arabic version of the site. "We received many thank you messages from Arab surfers. Many of whom asked if the female soldiers really serve in the IDF," he said.(...),7340,L-3440271,00.html

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